Seeing and Being Seen

An old friend would greet my grin and shout of, “Great to see you!” with, “Great to be seen!” and a big hug. And because we were part of a Four-Fold Way practice group where we shared real stuff, we meant it as a natural call and response.

Allowing yourself to be seen whole by people who can see all of you is one of the biggest blessings. Seeing someone accurately and reflecting that back is a great gift. When we embody the Visionary, we use all 4 ways of seeing: intuition, perception, insight, and vision.

  • INTUITION - inner knowing and sensing

  • PERCEPTION - external noticing and observing

  • INSIGHT - turning what you intuit and perceive into understanding

  • VISION - imagining into a holistic expansion of possibility.

All of these ways of seeing help you to be able to tell or show the truth, to yourself and to others. This is vital to your being a generator and reflector of the good, true, and beautiful. All your relationships and creative works benefit.

Being seen and heard allows you to dare to keep showing up as yourself. And seeing and hearing another person allows you to stand in your power as someone who can be present. So one of the most powerful things to say to someone is: I see you. We often also mean: I hear you. I get you. I understand you. I feel you.


JOURNALING on the Visionary power of seeing and telling the truth

What does it feel like for you to be really seen and heard?

Which comes first - you showing up in your truth OR someone creating an opportunity to really see and hear you?

Are you someone people confide in? What about the way you see and hear them makes them feel safe to do so? Is it without blame or judgement?

Where in your life can you dare to step out of hiding and be more visible and audible and known?

Which of the Visionary powers could you strengthen - intuition, perception, insight, or vision? Some or all?

Let me know what you find.

Carol Harada

somatic counseling, energy medicine, biodynamic craniosacral therapy, arts & healing

Hard Truths and Transformation


Shadow Work: Taking back Projections