Energy Healing Sessions
Single Healing Session
75-minute energy healing session
Four Healing Sessions
Four energy healing sessions held over two months.
Twelve Healing Sessions
Monthly energy healing sessions, payment plans offered
Deep River Healing Principles
You heal and create in the Present time
Your path is unique and made by embodying your Original Medicine
Your body's wisdom expresses vital information through emotions and sensations
Your system is always moving towards greater health
Frequently Asked Qs
Before your session
We start and end on time. A late start means you’ll have a shorter session. *Text if you’re running late (415) 290-4920.
Please take a moment to set your intention for the session.
In Person:
No strong scents. Wear comfortable clothing.
Bring a Covid protective mask, and we can decide whether to use them. I keep current with my Covid vaccinations.
Please leave plenty of time for street parking, which offers 2 hours free nearby. Ruby’s Clay Studio downstairs may be open to show their wares if you're early.
By phone or Zoom:
Please set up your phone or laptop ahead of time. Be in a private, quiet space.
What is a session like?
After our initial Zoom consult, we start each session in a grounded presence. As you tell me your main concern, we deeply listen, use intuition to translate emotions and sensations; discern what wants to unfold, and use skillful means (see Offerings) to find the way forward. I am following the lead of your Spirit’s guidance, facilitating with no agenda but what’s for the highest good.
The work unfolds organically in this safely held container. You may feel a relieving shift in energy, greater ease in the body, or discovery of vital information. 75 minutes gives us enough time to integrate and review at the end. I may send you home with a practice to continue checking in with your inner process. Payment is made at the end of a session, or the end of session # 1 in a series. We also decide on scheduling for further sessions.
After your session
You may want to schedule some time to rest or journal afterward. Our work may release deeper emotions, and the change may feel unsettling. Do contact me if there’s too much distress between sessions.
Hydrate! Please drink a lot of water to keep the healing energy moving and flush out toxins. You may also want to take an Epsom salt bath afterward.