


Heart + Meaning

Spring awakens and enlivens us all, drawing us out from Winter’s den to engage once more with the world. Love, the energy and power of the Healer, is activated when you Pay Attention to what has Heart + Meaning.

Our circles include:

  • Welcome and intro on the Healer and Spring.

  • Grounding, breath, and yoga, led by Rebecca Auster.

  • Guided meditation on the 4-chambered heart, led by me.

  • Journaling.

  • Sharing and harvesting of wisdom.

  • Dedicating the merit to those in need of extra love and care.

The seasonal Healing Circles are inspired by the Four-Fold Way teachings of the late, great Angeles Arrien. May I honor her work.

Spring Healing Circle


  • 7-8:15 pm, March 20, 2025

  • @ West Portal Pilates

  • 2809-2811 14th Ave,, San Francisco

  • Street parking on 14th Ave & Portola Drive. Accessible by Muni.

  • $40

  • 6-8 participants


Please let me know you’re signing up by using the contact form and pay here to complete your registration. I’ll send a confirmation email.

Please bring: pen & journal, water, light blanket, yoga mat. Wear easy movement clothes, layers, socks,

Responding to the desire to get offline and gather in person, we’ve reimagined our seasonal healing circles. All blessings to our dear friend and colleague Tedra Foster Matthews, who has generously opened West Portal Pilates to us as a home base in San Francisco for seasonal pop-ups.


  • 5-6:15pm PT / 8-9:15pm ET, March 27, 2025

  • Zoom

  • $40

  • up to 12 participants


Please go to the Zoom registration link here. Then pay here to complete your registration.

Please bring a pen & journal, water or tea, and a light blanket.

I believe that every single event in life

happens in an opportunity

to choose love over fear.

— Oprah Winfrey